125 Years of Okinawan Immigration to Hawaii & Emigration to the World
April 29, 2025 | 10:00 am
About this event
This is not a single event but a year-long series of commemorative activities and celebrations. Each milestone and program reflects the legacy and enduring contributions of the Okinawan community in Hawaii.
On January 8, 1900, twenty-six men arrived in Honolulu and were recorded as the first Okinawan immigrants to Hawaii. In the years following, Toyama Kyuzo (“father of Okinawa immigration’”) led many more Okinawan Issei to establish their family roots in Hawaii. Immigration was much more severe and challenging than any of them ever assumed.
In 2025, the Hawaii United Okinawa Association (“HUOA”) will remember those who came before us and celebrate 125 years of Uchinanchu heritage in Hawaii. Throughout the year, HUOA will celebrate many milestones and events to commemorate this 125th Anniversary.
Events highlights (dates pending):
All dates subject to change
January 8 HUOA Celebrating the Arrival of Okinawans in Hawaii!
January 11 Kohala Okinawa Kenjin Kai’s 70th Anniversary Celebration
January 18 Uchinānchu of the Year & Installation Banquet
February Hawaiʻi-Okinawa Student Exchange Program (Phase I)
March 7 – 9 Honolulu Festival
April 13 Kamaʻāina Sunday at Iolani Palace, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
May 4 Okinawan Dance Recital by Mina Tamashiro & Eric Kobayashi of Senju Kai
May 10 – 11 Kauaʻi Okinawan Dance Matsuri, Kauai Veterans Center
May 24 -25 HUOA Goodwill – 125th Anniversary Golf Tournament
June 3 – 6 Warabi Ashibi, Children’s Day Camp
June 13 – 15 Pan-Pacific Festival
June Hawaiʻi-Okinawa Student Exchange Program (Phase II)
June 22 Irei No Hi – Memorial Event
July 27 Hui Makaala Fashion Show
August 16 International Hāri Boat Festival Wailoa State Recreational Area, Hilo
August 30-31 43rd Okinawan Festival
September 1 Aloha Party & 35th Anniversary of HOC
September Okinawan FEASTival
September 19 Hui Makaala Golf Tournament
September 14 Ryukyu Koten Afuso Ryu Ongaku Kenkyu Choichi Kai Women’s Uta-Sanshin Concert
September 20 HUOA Autumn Dance Matsuri, Hawaii Okinawa Center
September 27 Maui Okinawa Festival (Maui & Miyako City), Maui Mall
Mid-October HUOA Heritage Tour, Okinawa
October 29 Uchinānchu No Hi
November 2 Kugani Warabi (Golden Children) Children’s Performances and Culture Day